The Journey to the Atlassian Cloud: What’s going on in the Atlassian World


iDalko Live podcast

In this episode, Manuel Pattyn discusses the journey to the Atlassian Cloud (especially in Germany) with Lars Bachmann.

Lars Bachmann is an Atlassian expert and the head of Atlassian sales at Kreuzwerk, a Platinum Atlassian Solution Partner in Germany.

About this episode:

  • The market after the end of Server announcement
  • Cloud assessment and preparing for the migration
  • Data residency (GDPR)
  • Forge and the Atlassian add-ons
  • and more

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Episode Transcript

Manuel Pattyn: Welcome again to another podcast of iDalko. Today we have Lars Bachman from Kreuzwerk. And the topic for today is: Are we any different than our neighboring countries towards what’s going on in Atlassian. Lars could you just situate yourself who you are?

Lars Bachman: Hi, thanks for having me here today. I’m Lars, let’s call me last from Kreuzwerk and I’ve been around in the Atlassian Ecosystem for quite a while. I just recently started at Kreuzwerk which is like an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner in Germany providing all sorts of Atlassian services plus AWS plus all other things. Well have a look at the website, check it out. I am here as head of Atlassian sales and I came a long way from being a journalist to a sort of Atlassian person now. Yeah, I’m happy to be here and I hope that’s enough for a short introduction.

Manuel: Well we’d like to keep it short and direct. It keeps it efficient otherwise we lose our listeners if it would take half an hour for your intro.

Lars: For some reasons, Germans are famous for being efficient.

Manuel: Yeah

Lars: And then you look at our airports.

Manuel: Oh my god! What’s with the airport? Does it run on Atlassian?

Lars: No no, it’s just like the new Burton airport they wanted to have that finished eight years ago.

Manuel: Oh okay! Well, what I know is that the Belgian airport, the National airport runs on the Atlassian Stack fully on data center, so they have all finished in time. Of course, implemented by you know who!

The topic as I said in the beginning, Lars was that Atlassian launched a little bit of, well, you could call it almost a nuclear bomb in October. Getting the end of support for server in 2024 with, of course, the preceding steps on it and since the customers always hear our voice and the idea around it I thought might be a good idea to see just how it goes on in Germany.

What are the ideas and how do the customers think strategically towards the future in that with Atlassian? And if yes how do they foresee it? So the first topic would be kind of a question. How is the perception, the reaction of the Atlassian customers in
Germany for the end of support for the server?

Lars: Ah! A very broad mix of different reactions we received here. Some of them were shocked, some of them were happy or some of them were just like: okay what do we need to do right now? If there is any urgency yes, no, tell me please, help us. And what we try to do is like just explaining the situation.

I personally was waiting for this signal and I guess every single Atlassian solution partner was aware of this coming at a certain point in time and I’d say I would have favored an Atlassian announcement even earlier, like the last on-site Atlassian summit this would have been like a good day to tell the world. Why would I say that simply because everything is going in the cloud direction and if you want to end up as Nokia, yeah we’ll go on another path and by 2025 like almost everybody will have all of its services in any sort of like SaaS model, cloud servers, whatsoever.

And it’s sometimes hard to let things go like the good old customized Jira server monster you created five years ago or 10 years ago. And that served you well for a long time but it’s just like with all of the other costs that come along with that. I think it’s just like a good idea to move on to cloud and I really do think this and I would have told the world even earlier but the reaction of the clients were mixed somewhere happy or just were like easy to calm down because it’s not the end of the world.

That’s what we are trying to tell them they are on a transition from server to data center or to cloud. But obviously loads of these clients did some renewals before because they are not ready to move on to cloud right now and straight away.
Manuel: You could say in this case that probably mainly your larger customers will have postponed their move to either a cloud or a data center?

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