The Journey to the Atlassian Cloud: iDalko’s Services (Why you should do it now)


cloud migration services

Migration to the Atlassian Cloud is for sure one of those buzz topics everyone has been talking about since the big announcement by Atlassian in 2020. But why should you migrate now?

Why Move to Cloud?

Cloud is the future! Why not place it in the hands of the experts and enjoy a continuously improved and updated environment?

95% of the on-premise instances will have been migrated to Cloud in less than a year, so it is about time you make sure not to get left behind! There’s no doubt that Cloud is the way to go as it is always up-to-date and you wouldn’t need to manage your instances. It is also scalable and you no longer require infrastructure. Well, the list can go on.

Atlassian is working on more features to unblock all issues related to European organizations (GDPR and data residency) to provide a secure cloud environment. Learn more about the details here.

So avoid waiting in line for getting the service you deserve as there is going to be a peak in demand for support in a short time. Prioritize your migration journey today and help us plan your journey with the least fuss possible.

What you’ll get

As a fully certified Platinum Atlassian partner and a specialized service provider, iDalko offers:

Cloud readiness and strategy

Have your ROI checked and assessed as well as all the risks and blockers. Not enough? We also offer a package deal to guide you through the journey to the Atlassian Cloud.

Atlassian Cloud migration services

You can experience a reliable and secure migration of all the feasible data and features to your Cloud instances. We help you get a clear overview of all the possible changes.

Meanwhile, you can get expert training for your teams, having the option to choose from a variety of training modules.

Data Center Offering

We have an experienced managed services team that will convert your instances into a Data Center version (single or multi-node), so you can focus on your core business. Let the experts do the job and you’re going to be surprised (in a good way of course) by the cost and speed of execution.

The iDalko approach

Well, the migration to the Atlassian Cloud is no rocket science, but there are a few steps we have to take together carefully:

  1. Assess
  2. Plan
  3. Prepare
  4. Test/ validate
  5. And go!

We want to make sure the journey is done perfectly from A to Z. So we also stay on standby after your final migration, just in case.

And if you ever have any questions regarding the steps or anything else, feel free to contact us anytime!